1 Pfund Rinderhackfleisch (oder Putenhackfleisch)
1 Packung natriumarmes Taco-Gewürz
4 Unzen. Frischkäse
14-16 Jumbo-Nudeln
1,5 Tassen Salsa
1 Tasse Taco-Sauce (glatte Sauce auf Tomatenbasis, die in der mexikanischen Sektion zu finden ist)
1 Tasse Cheddar-Käse
1 Tasse Monterey-Jack-Käse
3 Frühlingszwiebeln, gehackt
Saure Sahne, zum Bestreichen
In a frying pan cook ground beef; add taco seasoning and prepare according to package directions. Add cream cheese, cover, and simmer until cheese is melted. Blend well. Set aside and cool completely. While ground beef is cooking, cook the pasta shells according to directions; drain and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process (since they will be baked later on). Set shells out individually on a cutting board/baking sheet so that they don’t stick together.
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Pour salsa on the bottom of 9×13 baking dish. Stuff each shell with the meat mixture. Place shells in 9×13 pan open side up. Cover shells with taco sauce. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, add shredded cheese and bake for 10-15 more minutes, with the foil removed. Top with any condiments you’d like (green onions, black olives, etc…whatever you like on tacos!) I left mine plain because I didn’t have much of anything on hand. Serve with sour cream and/or more salsa.